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Company profile企业文化公司荣誉资质证书联系我们Corporate newsThe exhibition expressIndustry informationLoudspeaker systemMixerWirless microphonePower ampliferDigital conference systemAudio analyzerPeripheral equipmentLights / light consoleM系列T系列C系列B系列ELLA系列VERA系列i系列功放TWAUDiOGALEO系列Atelier-系列G 3GL-SeriesG-SubwoofersiBeam 系列i系列K系列L 系列M 系列X 系列TriSource 10SEEBURG acoustic linePRX800 系列Control 系列JBL数字调音台模拟调音台功放音频分析仪监听音箱Smartman 系列Safari 系列ISK 系列工程音箱JUBI 系列信号处理器无线麦克风系统KT 系列会议系统天花喇叭PHONICM32 LIVEPRO 系列接口箱系列MIDASEPM8LX10SoundCraftRX SeriesS SeriesV SeriesZETTA SeriesRAM Audiodbx 1231dbxDMS300 数字无线话筒系统C5 WL1C111LPC520C535 WL1CM 311D5 WL1DHT 800DPT 800DSR800EC81 MDEC82 MDHC81 MDHC82 MDHUB4000 QLC81 MDLC82 MDPSU4000SPR4500 IEMSST4500 IEMAKGTBV 系列IP 系列TFX 系列TPX 系列TMS 系列Turbosound2.4GHz无线同声传译系统-配件WDR-240G 16通道接收器WSM-710I 立式麦克风WPI-200WDT-240G控制主机WMC-240G多功能接收器WDR-240G鹅颈麦克风WVM-2400代表单元WSM-240D主席单元WSM-240CWMC-3400(Microphone麦克风)WMC-340G(Control Unit)主机WMC-340C/WMC-340D(Stand Unit)麦座HUC-100 摄像头控制器HAYACODM 481DM 434NT 2508/NT 1308NT 5502/NT 1.2K2NT 4004/NT 2504/NT1304DMA 8425/ DMA 8413DMA 8825/ DMA 8813DMP 8800DMP 808DMP 801AsystemsHarveyDIGIRATEClearOneFENIXLSCImageCueMARTIN AUDIOAMADEUSTheater TheaterHotel / conference / Lecture HallMobile performanceStadiumEntertainment performanceStudio RoomTheme Park服务网络技术视频产品资料

Jusheng AV Technology(Guangzhou)Co., Ltd. is the sole agent for many internationally renowned professional audio, lighting, conference and control system brands in the Greater China region (Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan). The company’s core management team has more than 20 years of industry experience. Jusheng has introduced world-class excellent products. With its professional and comprehensive technical services, optimized and innovative solutions, and rich experience in distribution channel management, it has quickly become the industry’s most powerful one-stop product supplier and AVLC system solution service provider.

About us
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Beijing Happy Valley Maya Theater is based on knowledge of archaeology, education, agriculture, and ecological communities. The project is set up to focus on field education and integrate into
On May 26, the 22nd GUANGZHOU International Professional Lighting and sound Exhibition (Prolight+sound GUANGZHOU) successfully ended in the China Import and Export Fair pavilion. The scale of the e...
From March 3rd to 6th, the2024 Guangzhou (International) Performing Arts Equipment, Intelligent Sound andLight Products Technology Exhibition (GETshow) will be held in Area D ofGuangzhou Canton Fai...
On May 25, the 21st Guangzhou International Professional Lighting and sound Exhibition (prolight+sound) was successfully closed in the China Import and Export Fair Exhibition hall. This exhibition ...
On May 11, 2023 GETshow(Guangzhou Entertainment Technology Show) in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo Hall came to a perfect ending.In 2023, GETshow has an exhibition area of more than 80,000 square ...
At this exhibition, Jusheng Audiovisual also demonstrated the DIGIRATE one-stop intelligent conference sound reinforcement system solution, as well as the MIDAS M32LIVE mixer system synchronous backup
Peripheral devices
Power amplifier
Wireless microphone
Digital conference system
Light/light control console
Loudspeaker system

Contact us

Jusheng AV Technology(Guangzhou)Co., Ltd.

Address: The Fifth Floor No.1 building ,Center 1 Area,Panshan Science and technology Park ,Panyu Da Dao, Panyu District,Guangzhou   

Telephone: 020-84881200

Fax: 020-84821881


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